Monday, May 19, 2014

The Land Ethic - Aldo Leopold

"The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land.”(Leopold, 60)
Tortoise hanging by canal. Photo by: Yaritza Guzman
 I completely agree with this statement. The soil, water, plants, and animals, are all part of the community in which we live in. After all they did come before us, and we do "live" together. This made me reflect on the days I sit outside in my lanai, and just observe my surroundings. I clearly remember one particular day, that I was outside and saw a tortoise sunbathing by the canal. It made me appreciate the area in which I live in much better. I then realized that there is so much life out there, right at my doorstep. I see the same tortoise hanging out in my backyard from time to time, and I almost feel like it is part of my family.

"Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land." (Leopold, 62)



This is a powerful, but yet true statement. When I think of the word "harmony", I think of an agreement, or order. When I think of conservation, I think of preventing harm, So my interpretation of what Leopold means is that when we need to work together to prevent harm from occurring. Basically, if we take care of our environment, the environment will take care of us. This makes me ponder the ways in which I'm conserving. Usually before I leave my house, I unplug all the appliances. I make it a habit of recycling anything I can, and lastly I carpool with my mom to work. It is little things like this, that we can do to conserve our resources. However, we as a society need to work together, to prevent less waste of valuable resources and energy. If we all do our part, then there will be "harmony" amongst our environment as a whole.

"Land, then, is not merely soil; it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plants, and animals. Food chains are the living channels which conduct energy upward; death and decay return it to the soil" (Leopold,69)
This quote honestly made me think of the "Circle of Life" from Disney's The Lion King. It makes sense though, the land is what gives us "life". The land provides soil. The soil is what provides nutrients for plants to grow. The animals receive their energy from the plants and other animals they consume. We in turn consume the plants and animals. When all living matters perish, they decompose. Whatever is left, is put back into the land and then the cycle continues. Leopold is trying to emphasize that the land just isn't land, it is the building block of life.

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