Monday, May 19, 2014

Love it or Lose It: The Coming Biophilia Revolution: David Orr

" Biophobia ranges from discomfort in natural places to active scorn for whatever is not manmade, managed, or air-conditioned." (Orr,187)
Before I started colloquium, I never heard of biophobia, I did not even know it existed. I can say that I feel that our society is growing closer to becoming biophobic. With all of the technology such as video games, tablets, and Iphones, we are not drawn to the outdoors. In my personal experience, I grew up always playing outside and being active. I see my cousins who are young now, and they are always glued to their Iphones and tablets. Quite frankly, it is sad that people today do not appreciate our natural environment. At the rate we are going, our environment is going to suffer tremendously.

" In return for our proper use, the earth is given to mankind as a trust. Proper use requires gratitude, humility, charity, and skill." (Orr, 192)
I think what Orr is trying to state that we should take good care of our environment. We got to think of it as a gift, and take precautions in caring for the Earth. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people litter, and mistreat the environment. I have been guilty of it myself. Everyday we misuse the environment in some way, shape, or form. We really do not appreciate what we have.

" Life ought to excite our passion, not our indifference. Life in jeopardy ought to cause us to take a stand, not retreat into a spurious neutrality." (Orr,193) 

I could not agree more with Orr in this statement. People today do not understand that our actions have consequences. It does not matter how small it may seem, anything we do has an effect in our environment. For example, littering can have a consequence on the surrounding  living matters. The more we cut down trees to build new roads, homes, etc. , the more animals get endangered. The idea of conservation and recycling is still something people are reluctant to consider. Everyday we are doing something that puts our environment in great risk, but we are not taking an action.

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