Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Plan B 4.0 Chapters 1-3,10

" Business as usual is no longer a viable option. Food security will deteriorate further unless leading countries collectively mobilize to stabilize population, stabilize aquifers, conserve soils, protect cropland, and restrict the use of grain to produce fuel for cars" (Brown,9).

Essentially our everyday actions, are leading to bigger problems. As our population increases, the need for resources increase. Since our population is increasing, our food supply is shrinking. It all makes sense. If the population is increasing more land is being used to build homes, etc. The less land we have, the less crops will be produced.  Thus, creating a scarcity of food supply for humans and animals. For example, grain is used to feed cattle, and we depend on cattle for meat and dairy products. Because of the increase of population, and land being cut back, many parts of the world no longer have the land available to produce grains. Consequently, leading to a shortage of dairy and meat products, making prices in grocery stores sky rocket. This quote made me think about how something as small as grain, can have a great impact in our food chain. It would be scary to see what would happen if it became unavailable overall.

" We are entering a new era, one of rapid and often unpredictable climate change" (Brown,56).

Looking back at my experiences in school, I remember learning about the "greenhouse effect". It was not until I started taking this class that I realized the importance of learning about it. Everyday, we hear about how more and more ice glaciers keep melting away because of rising temperatures.  The one thing that I specifically think about is the polar bears and how everyday their home is becoming smaller. Because of climate change, polar bears are in danger of becoming extinct in the future. Not only do rising and changing temperatures effect the glaciers, but crops, and numerous ecosystems. It is time that we start thinking about the damage we are doing, and take action. I feel as though this issue is not talked about as often as it should. It shouldn't just be discussed once in a blue moon, but everyday our environment and our lives depend on it.

" The notion that our civilization is approaching its demise is not an easy concept to grasp or accept. It is difficult to imagine something we have not previously experienced" (Brown,241).

Brown really hit the nail on the head with this statement. I feel that those who do not believe that our environment is in trouble, have this mindset. People are not going to take action on something that they are unsure is true. But, people fail to realize we are seeing the consequences everyday. If we continue down this path of destruction, we are just going to be in a situation where we can't get out. I'll admit, before I took this class I was skeptical about the issue of global warming, and us damaging our environment. In reality, we are and it's just a matter of time before it gets worse.


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